
Wild, Landscape
Just outside of Capitol Reef National Park, in Torrey, Utah, my partner and I found ourselves, to enjoy some warmth after a rather dreary winter spent in the Salt Lake Valley- tired from the thick belt of smog lingering overhead. February in the desert is far more colorful than the grey of northern Utah, though still requires one to endure the harsh conditions, hot days and cold nights. Over many desert explorations in unfavorable weather conditions, I’ve found the harshest of those to be the most beautiful. “Wild” intends to capture the solitude, beauty, and color, of the desert in what many perceive as the “off-season” if there ever were such a thing.

This piece was created using acrylic on canvas in a layering style comparable to the geologic formation of these sandstone desert features. My process intends to explore and experience a landscape at all points - from the moments I spend observing, experiencing, and sketching, to the time spent in my studio compiling these experiences and moments into a tangible piece of artwork. The act of painting in and of itself is intended to be deeply connecting to the land, researching the natural history (and lots of field research,) of each area I paint allows me to better understand how to capture it on canvas.

Landscape    30 x 48 x 1.5