Through the autumn leaves

Through the autumn leaves, Building
Through the autumn leaves
This is a door which is part of an abandoned building. Although it is decaying, the building still has some charm, especially since nature found its way even inside and it is overtaking the place. I have been in the area a few times since is in the mountains and it is very peaceful and beautiful. It is especially stunning during autumn. So one sunny autumn day when I was there with friends and we passed by this building again, I decided to paint in. I started it on the spot but then I finished it at home. I enjoyed the whole process from start to finish. I used gouache since I think it is a good medium to use in plein-air painting and I enjoy working with it. I chose to leave it unfinished at the corners as an artistic choice and also because I wanted the main focus to be on this fragment.

Building    14.17 x 9.84