At the Dawn of Time

At the Dawn of Time, Plein Air Landscape
At the Dawn of Time
"Tuyshtak" is what the Ohlone people, or Native American tribes living in the greater Bay Area, called Mount Diablo. It means "Creation" or "At the Dawn of Time." Spanish conquerors chasing the Ohlone would lose sight of them in the dense prairie at the foot of the mountain. The mountain created an illusion of sucking them up as they disappeared. The invaders coined the name Mt. Diablo, meaning Devil, in fear of the black mountain's magic.

I prefer the Ohlone interpretation. Thus I titled my painting of the mountain covered in snow, “At the Dawn of Time." February 24th, we had a snow storm in the Bay Area. It happens every couple of years. I set out to photograph the snow on the mountains since I now live only five miles away from the north gate entrance. There was a line of cars with the same idea; however, the gate was closed because of fallen trees. Luckily farther down, the Northgate High School parking lot provided a clear view. The north peak glistened with white specks of snow; clouds shrouded the crest. But there was sleet, and it was cold. I went back home and sketched from my photos on the computer.

Plein Air Landscape    18 x 24 x 1