A Storm's A Comin'

A Storm's A Comin', Plein Air Landscape
A Storm's A Comin'
This spot is pretty iconic as one drives to Lake Placid. The view is always changing with the mountains and the weather. This field is Marcy Field, with the little house on the edge and a wind sock in the distance so a small plane could land in the field. The tree is one of those never intimidated by anything that passes it. At least, that is how it seems to me. I happened to be painting with the sun shining and the grass was warmed by the sun and within minutes, a storm came over and the skies changed so dramatically and you could hear the grumbling of the thunder rolling in fast. The little house really glowed even brighter against the dark clouds and the tree seemed to stand just a bit taller not being intimidated even a little bit. I really wanted to capture that feeling and catch it before being completely drenched. I tucked under the car hatch and was able to keep painting for just a few more minutes before the rain really came down hard.

Plein Air Landscape    11 x 14