The Innocent One

The Innocent One, Drawing
The Innocent One
Portrait of my childhood best friend. Chelsey has been in my life for more than 20 years. Through thick and thin, for better or worse, she has been my partner-in-crime through all of it. On a regular day, we are nothing but trouble: splashing hot coffee on each other, physically wrestling, and maybe even run over a foot with the car - on a good day. Regardless of how screwed up our friendship is, it always amazes me how innocent she can look from the outside. Chelsey, for all the times you almost drowned me in a pool, beating me while I am driving a car or simply being injured around you... I hope this portrait was worth commemorating our friendship. And for all the nonsense, playful violence Chelsey demonstrated to me over the years, the only reason I believe she had not been imprisoned is simply because of her radiating innocence as shown in this portrait.

Drawing    12 x 24