Time, Space

Time, Space, Still Life
Time, Space
The painting depicts my drum kit. I built a small stage in my studio then set up the drums. Next, I lit scene, after which I made a number of drawings from various points of view, finally deciding on this composition. At this point I made a finished drawing to scale, using colored pencil to familiarize myself with color, and tone. The subject demands consideration of the forms, and while one might want to paint it "alla prima", at that scale it was not going to work for me. Important to give the craftsman ship its due, and that takes time. Upon undertaking this project, I had a good block of time with which to work. Without which it would not have been possible.
The auditorium I composed after researching photos of the same online and relied on visual memory. Showing the space before the performance, while the principals discuss what's to come out front. The art of music needs no introduction, and my pursuit of music on this instrument serves as counterpoint to the more introverted visual process. Music is time and to be inside the music one is in a very literal and figurative space.

Still Life    44 x 44 x 1